How to Become a Better Actor Instantly Without Killing Yourself with "The Method"! Discover the the psychological secrets of "The Life Acting System" If you are an actor, you've probably done your fair share of pointless exercises in classes: "Hold the imaginary teacup. Feel the warmth of the tea. Can you smell it? Can you smell it?" ...or you may have had your fill of "gurus" who may direct scenes, but don't give actors any understanding of how to get where they need to get--on their own! If you are not a trained actor, this book will help you to STOP THINKING and START DOING! It cuts through all the b.s., is mercifully short, but yet will help you get to the core questions that every actor should answer. Based on 50 plus years of psychological research, I make the case for what I call "Life Acting." A very simple, behavior-based approach that can be as effective with a toddler as it can be with a veteran wanting to go as deep as possible. That's why it's humbly titled "The Best Book on Acting." You wont be disappointed. You will become a better actor because 1. You won't be scraping your psyche with an internal focus to present something that has nothing to do with the material. 2. You won't be overly focused on emotion, (often pushing and unrealistic) but on the INTENT of the character. 3. You will be more focused, more colorful, more memorable and interesting because you know how to make crystal clear choices which lead to impacting the audience! 4. You won't be "in your head" in performance, trying to juggle the balls of technique, emotion and connection. You will be "doing"! 5. You will understand the crucial difference between Homework, Rehearsal, and Performance. This book might reboot your whole way of building a character. It will be faster, more precise and more interesting. The questions for Homework can be broken down to such a basic level that a small child can use them and be effective!