"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." - Common Sense, by Thomas PaineBut time is running out.The President's approval ratings are in the toilet and the approval ratings of both houses of Congress are in dirtier water than the President's. Democrats are disappointed with the President and with the Democratic Senate (soon to be Republican Senate), and Republicans aren't too happy with the Republican House either. Most of the time Washington is in gridlock - nothing gets done and another threatened default is always around the next corner. What little official Washington does accomplish is widely condemned (Obamacare, Wall Street reform, NSA spying on Americans, etc).What the hell is wrong? And what can we do to fix it?Hundreds of books have been written to answer these questions. But most of these books sing to the choir: experts, politicos, policy wonks, and insider types living in the Beltway (and authors of books like this one). Their solutions - Congress should do this and that - don't begin to explain how or why an angrily divided Congress would ever do that! What we do know about Congress is that it has stopped doing the people's business.What the hell is wrong? And what can WE do to fix it?To My Countrymen was written from page one with real Americans in mind; YOU, the regular American who loves his country, are this book's audience. The "solutions" it proposes are things that you and I must do because the President and Congress won't; they have their business, and it ain't We the People's business.Read To My Countrymen. Get on board.