At nine, O'Leary survived a house fire with burns on 100 percent of his body. Doctors didn't expect him to make it through the night. But he made it through five months of healing in the hospital, and years of excruciating rehabilitation as he struggled to regain mobility and control of his body. O'Leary says that it changed him for the better-- and that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't change a thing. Now he shares reflections on the seven life-giving choices he made that ensured his survival and his ability to ignite a radically inspired life. -- adapted from jacket
Yet, almost as old as the idea of the library is the urge to destroy it. The reasons cited for this are many: educated people are much harder to govern, and some proclaim that only the illiterate can save the world.
Olberding, John C., and Lisa Barnwell Williams, eds. 2010. Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability. Hoboken, NJ: john Wiley 84 Sons. Pogge, Thomas. 2008. World Poverty and Human Rights.
It is also the story of how one brilliant man, Syria-born Dr Najar, finally proved - using a simple pen and paper - that Susannah's psychotic behaviour was caused by a rare autoimmune disease attacking her brain.
Thanks also to my agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette, for her enthusiasm and input on this project, and to my editor, Lisa Sandell, for her extraordinary work in the editing of this book, though I never see anything less from her.
Set on fire is the inspiring and thrilling autobiography of Taurus Montgomery.
In Awe reveals how we can regain that ability to see fresh insights, reach for new solutions, and live our best lives.
As she suggests, if rebellion and the conditions that precipitated it never disappeared, the optimistic story of a post–Jim Crow United States no longer holds.
When We Were on Fire is a funny, heartbreaking story of untangling oneself from what is expected to arrive at faith that is not bound by tradition or current church fashion. Addie looks for what lasts when nothing else seems worth keeping.
For centuries, the scientific question of life's origins has confounded us. But in Every Life Is on Fire, physicist Jeremy England argues that the answer has been under our noses the whole time, deep within the laws of thermodynamics.
Brains on Fire gives you the tools to connect with and excite your customers, launch authentic word of mouth movements, and produce exponential returns over the long term.