Shortlisted for the 2021 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Australian History. Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970 offers a rethinking of recent Australian music history. Amanda Harris presents accounts of Aboriginal music and dance by Aboriginal performers on public stages. Harris also historicizes the practices of non-Indigenous art music composers evoking Aboriginal music in their works, placing this in the context of emerging cultural institutions and policy frameworks. Centralizing auditory worlds and audio-visual evidence, Harris shows the direct relationship between the limits on Aboriginal people's mobility and non-Indigenous representations of Aboriginal culture. This book seeks to listen to Aboriginal accounts of disruption and continuation of Aboriginal cultural practices and features contributions from Aboriginal scholars Shannon Foster, Tiriki Onus and Nardi Simpson as personal interpretations of their family and community histories. Contextualizing recent music and dance practices in broader histories of policy, settler colonial structures, and postcolonizing efforts, the book offers a new lens on the development of Australian musical cultures.
"A performance-centered history of the Australian "assimilation" era that centralizes auditory worlds and audio-visual evidence of Aboriginal music and dance"--
1 (2007): 7–21; Katelyn Barney, “Sending a Message: How Indigenous Australian Women use Contemporary Music Recording ... of the Bush from the MidTwentieth Century,” in Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970, ed.
13. Morgan, Unsettled Places. 14. Neville, Australia's Coloured Minority. 15. Muller, “De- colonisation”; Stanner, White Man Got No Dreaming; Rose, On the Fringe of Curriculum. 16. Stanner, White Man Got No Dreaming, 202. 17.
Rowan Callick, “Business Perspectives on Australia-China Relations,” in Taking the Low Road: China's Influence in ... For an overview of relations between Australia and the PRC, see Yi Wang, Australia–China Relations Post 1949: Sixty ...
In 1964 Sculthorpe was commissioned to write his first opera for the opening of the Sydney Opera House – a highly prestigious commission for a young composer. Over the next eight years, in search of an appropriate Australian subject and ...
A comprehensive biography of the virtuoso pianist and legendary composer of piano symphonies
Concert Music, Rock, and Jazz Since 1945 (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 1995), pp. 34–52 Cohn, Richard, “The Autonomy of Motives in Schenkerian Accounts of Tonal Music,” Music Theory Spectrum 14 ...
Linking People: Connections and Encounters Between Australians and Indonesians
Addictions and healing in Aboriginal country. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. Rao, D. 1993. We will sing: Choral music experience for classroom choirs. New York: Boosey and Hawkes. Stannard, K. 2003. Junior voiceworks: 33 songs for ...
Hoad, C. (2016), 'We Are the Sons of the Southern Cross: Gendered Nationalisms and Imagined Community in Australian Extreme Metal', Journal of World Popular Music, 3 (1): 91–109. Kahn-Harris, K. (2007), Extreme Metal: Music and Culture ...