"A performance-centered history of the Australian "assimilation" era that centralizes auditory worlds and audio-visual evidence of Aboriginal music and dance"--
Gordon Bryant to Principal , Melbourne Teachers ' College , February 1961 , Bryant Papers , MS 8256 , Box 183 , NLA . Monthly Bulletin of the Queensland Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders , Newsletter ...
This book is about some of the last speakers of the Warluwarra language from the Georgina River district in western Queensland.
A look at the monumental clash between European colonialism and the Aboriginal peoples, from the first tentative and difficult interactions of the early explorers to the arrival of the First Fleet.
This reportâs main focus is centred on urban Indigenous perspectives on health.
... Roberts RW (1978) 7.0032, (1970) 5.0040; Robertson EF (1978) 22.3017; Robertson M (1982) 1.0021 ; Robinson F (1978) 2.3405;Robinsonl (1977) 12.1039; Robinson J (1983) 16.0003;Robotham FP (1982) 1.0022; Rockett IR (1984) 3.2002, ...
133, February/March 1984; Staff Memo from Harvey Jacka and Invitation to testimonial, in Jackomos Papers. Sir Douglas Nicholls' funeral: Age, 11 June 1988; Bendigo Advertiser, 11 June 1988.
This book is not just a trenchant critique of recent historiography. It overturns the received interpretation of Australian history and puts a new perspective on this countrys beginnings.
5:513; Brook and Kohen 1991:16–18. 10 Governor Macquarie's Journal, ML A773, 10.4.1816:239. 11 Brook and Kohen 1991:21-33. 12 CCL's report, 1852, 1853, 1854; Morris 1989. 13 Pearson 1984. 14 Gammage 1983. 15 Webb 1984.
Ceduna community reconciliation through arts project; discusses the value of reconciliation and its meaning; describes the aims and process of the project centred on the see saw as a theme; includes biographies of artists and others ...
Enhanced by photographs, and including location maps and website suggestions, titles in this series are a comprehensive Australian resource. 9+