Few ecosystem destinations are as abundant in their biodiversity as Costa Rica. Having the right field guides in hand can make all the difference when you're enjoying the country's birdlife. Photo Guide to Birds of Costa Rica, which features 549 excellent photographs, is designed to be equally useful for two distinct sets of readers. First are birders new to birding--or new to birding in Costa Rica--who want a guide to the birds that one is most likely to see, as well as to a few of the rarer species that one would hope to encounter. It treats more than 40 percent (365) of the species known from Costa Rica but is a guide to at least 75 percent of the birds commonly seen in a week or so of birding. The book will also be welcomed by experienced birders in search of a companion volume to The Birds of Costa Rica, second edition, an illustrated guide to all the birds of Costa Rica. The photographs in the species accounts in Photo Guide to Birds of Costa Rica are accompanied by names, measurements, field marks, habitat and behavior, voice, status and distribution, and range maps.
"Field guide for identifying birds in the field in Costa Rica.
Additional features of this all-new guide include:* 166 original color plates depicting more than 820 species.* Concise text that describes key field marks for positive identification, as well as habitat, behavior, and vocalizations. * ...
Additional features of this all-new guide include:* 166 original color plates depicting more than 820 species.* Concise text that describes key field marks for positive identification, as well as habitat, behavior, and vocalizations. * ...
President “Don Pepe” Figueres visited Dr. Archie Carr and graduate student David Ehrenfeld to see the green turtle nesting beaches at Tortuguero. He was considering a proposal to protect the area as a national park.
Ideal for the travelling nature watcher, this useful guide provides a comprehensive overview of the variety of bird-life to be found in Costa Rica.
This easy-to-use identification guide to the 280 bird species most commonly seen in Costa Rica is perfect for resident and visitor alike.
To help visitors, as well as local residents, identify and enjoy the wildlife of Costa Rica, Carrol L. Henderson published Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica in 2002, and it instantly became the indispensable guide.
A Photo Guide Steve N. G. Howell, Fabrice Schmitt. Copyright © 2018 by Steve N. G. Howell, Fabrice Schmitt Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to Permissions, Princeton University Press Published ...
Ideal for the travelling nature watcher, this useful guide provides a comprehensive overview of the variety of bird-life to be found in Costa Rica.
VOICE Call (1) a rapid, slightly nasal, laughlike series that rises steeply then gradually drops in pitch wiiiiiiiieeeeeeee- uh. Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens 43–52cm MX to SA. Uncommon and local resident in lowlands and foothills ...