Birders in Central America have long known that Nicaragua is one of the best birding locations in the world, and with tourism to the country on the upswing, birders from the rest of the world are now coming to the same conclusion. The largest country in Central America, Nicaragua is home to 763 resident and passage birds, by latest count. Because of its unique topography—the country is relatively flat compared to its mountainous neighbors to the north and south—it forms a geographical barrier of sorts, which means that many birds that originate in North America reach their southernmost point in Nicaragua, while many birds from South America reach their northernmost point in the country. There are few places in the world where you can find both a Roadrunner and a Scarlet Macaw. Birds of Nicaragua features descriptions and illustrations of all 763 species currently identified in the country, along with information about 44 additional species that are likely to appear in the coming years. Range maps, based on years of field research, are color-coded. Other features include a richly illustrated anatomical features section, a checklist, a visual guide to vultures and raptors in flight, and a quick-find index.
Between December 1951 and April 1967, Thomas R. Howell made 13 separate research trips to Nicaragua.
A Guide to the Birds of Nicaragua / Nicaragua - Una Guia de Aves
Where to Watch Birds in Nicaragua
... Pl.8 Broad - winged , 99 , 88 , P1.9 Common Black- , 95 , 100 , P1.8 Cooper's , 93 , 439 Crane , 93 , 100 , P1.8 ... 205 , P1.13 Heron , Agami , 72 , Pl.1 Bare - throated Tiger- , 68 , Pl.1 Black - crowned Night- , 72 , P1.2 Boat ...
Nicaragua Pacific Slope Birds
VOICE Call (1) a rapid, slightly nasal, laughlike series that rises steeply then gradually drops in pitch wiiiiiiiieeeeeeee- uh. Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens 43–52cm MX to SA. Uncommon and local resident in lowlands and foothills ...
In this small book you will find photography of the incredible bird biodiversity of the subtropical rainforest located in Leonel Reynosa, Ticuantepe, Nicaragua.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico: Including All Birds Occurring from the Northern Border of Mexico to the...
Includes "bird lists by region; bird specialties at specific sites; checklist for birds of Costa Rica; travel routes and tour maps; resorts, lodges, hotels and B & Bs; local guiding information; and side trips to Panama and Nicaragua"- ...
Birds of Mexico and Central America is the only field guide to illustrate and describe every species of bird in Central America from Mexico to Panama, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,...