Deirdre David here explores women's role in the literature of the colonial and imperial British nation, both as writers and as subjects of representation. David's inquiry juxtaposes the parliamentary speeches of Thomas Macaulay and the private letters of Emily Eden, a trial in Calcutta and the missionary literature of Victorian women, writing about thuggee and emigration to Australia. David shows how, in these texts and in novels such as Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Charles Dickens's Dombey and Son, Wilkie Collins's Moonstone, and H. Rider Haggard's She, the historical and symbolic roles of Victorian women were linked to the British enterprise abroad. Rule Britannia traces this connection from the early nineteenth-century nostalgia for masculine adventure to later patriarchal anxieties about female cultural assertiveness. Missionary, governess, and moral ideal, promoting sacrifice for the good of the empire—such figures come into sharp relief as David discusses debates over English education in India, class conflicts sparked by colonization, and patriarchal responses to fears about feminism and race degeneration. In conclusion, she reveals how Victorian women, as writers and symbols of colonization, served as critics of empire.
In this chilling novel of the future, Daphne du Maurier explores the implications of a political, economic and military alliance between Britain and the United States. "A diverse and engrossing cast of characters...provocative, diverting.
In Emma, looking at it all with clear young eyes, Daphne du Maurier has drawn one of her most enchanting heroines; and this engrossing book shows once again what a versatile and perceptive writer she is.
Some promise the full story of the political manoeuvring that got us to this point, others promise to make sense of the vote, with a couple focusing on the supposed evils of immigration and Islam.
A readable history of the British Royal Navy during the 19th century height of the British Empire.
... a8427151.html Goodman , P. S. ( 2018 ) “ Theresa May Arrives in Davos as U.K.'s Post- “ Brexit ” Slide Continues , New York Times , 25 January , Since 2007 ...
The British monarchy's abiding connection to the sea during the age of exploration was a critical factor in the establishment of Britain's first colonies in the New World. It is...
This volume does just that by gathering together original academic essays that explore the expression and understanding of Britishness in literature, philosophy, music, historical documents, art and design.
Taking an alternative approach, To Rule Britannia places much greater emphasis on the practical problems the Romans faced in deciding on a landing site and offers fresh thinking on many key aspects.
Offering a provocative take on an aspect of filmmaking with profound cultural significance, the volume focuses on how screen biographies of prominent figures in British history and culture can be understood as involved, if unofficially, in ...
Rule Britannia: The Ways and World of the True British Gentleman & Patriot