Giambattista Vico's first original work of philosophy, On the Study Methods of Our Time (1708–9) takes up the contemporary "quarrel between the ancients and the moderns" and provides a highly interesting statement of the nature of humanistic education. This edition makes available again Elio Gianturco's superb 1965 English translation of a work generally regarded as the earliest statement by Vico of the fundamentals of his position. An important contribution to the development of the scientism-versus-humanism debate over the comparative merits of classical and modern culture, this book lays out Vico's powerful arguments against the compartmentalization of knowledge which results from the Cartesian world view. In opposition to the arid logic of Cartesianism, Vico here celebrates the humanistic tradition and posits the need for a comprehensive science of humanity which recognizes the value of memory and imagination. On the Study Methods of Our Time remains a key text for anyone interested in the development's of Vico's thought and serves as a concise introduction to his work. Scholars and students in such disciplines as the history of philosophy, intellectual history, literary theory, rhetoric, and the history and philosophy of education will find this volume helpful and fascinating.
In an illuminating introduction to the volume, Robert Miner elucidates Vico's short but difficult work; at the same time, he allows the reader to assess the importance of that work, in absolute terms as well as relative to Vico's other ...
Still regarded by many as the best English-language translation of this classic work, the Cornell edition was widely lauded when first published in 1944.
In M. Brewer & B. E. Collins (Eds.), Scientific inquiry and the social sciences (pp. 226-256). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lazarfeld, P. P., ft Robinson, W. S. (1940). The quantification of case studies. Journal of Applied Psychology.
The first complete English translation of the 1725 text, Vico's The First New Science ia now accessible to a broad, new readership. It is accompanied by a glossary, bibliography, chronology of Vico's life and expository introduction.
On Humanistic Education joins a number of translations of Vico's works available in paperback from Cornell--On the Study Methods of Our Time, On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians, the New Science, and The Autobiography of Giambattista ...
Learn how to study the Bible with so much variety that you'll never get into the rut that routine brings ever again. Learn to Study the Bible has more Bible study methods than any other book out there!"
A pioneering treatise that aroused great controversy when it was first published in 1725, Vico's New Science is acknowledged today to be one of the few works of authentic genius in the history of social theory.
Marking a crucial turning-point in humanist thinking, New Science has remained deeply influential since the dawn of Romanticism, inspiring the work of Karl Marx and even influencing the framework for Joyce's Finnegan's Wake.
10 Subtilitas Applicandi in Rhetorical Hermeneutics : Peirce's Gloss and Kelly's Example Nancy S. Struever Hans - Georg Gadamer begins the chapter in Truth and Method entitled " The Rediscovery of the Hermeneutical Problematic " with a ...
The essays in this volume continue what was begun in Volume 1 of Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions by further contextualizing The Red Book culturally and interpreting it for our time.