A work with broad implications for theories of comparative strategic behavior and civil-military relations, Societies and Military Power uses the long history of the armies of India as a basis for analyzing whether the character of a given society affects the amount of military power that can be generated by the armies that emerge from that society. By examining the changing relationship between ruling elites in the Indian subcontinent and their armed forces, the book shows that divisions within society are mirrored within the military, even within the contemporary professional military. Stephen Peter Rosen explores the proposition that cultural explanations don't sufficiently account for changes in military power, whereas social structure does. He suggests also that the dynamics of civil-military relations in a non-Western setting are not explicable without social-structural insight. He concludes that the comparative study of strategic behavior and military organization has lacked a sound foundation, which the social-structural explanation offered in this book begins to provide.
See , for example , Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall , " Power in International Politics , " International Organization 59 ... Risa Brooks , Political - Military Relations and the Stability of Arab Regimes , Adelphi Paper 324 ( Oxford ...
This book integrates current knowledge about the military, political, economic, and cultural roles of the armed forces in sixteen Asian countries, examining the interplay of these factors and their bearing on each society's civil-military ...
Ironically, one of the Western world’s least successful wars also has been America’s longest, in Afghanistan. This unique book is thus a critical assessment of the evolution and future of Western military power.
Intensifying geopolitical rivalries, rising defence spending and the proliferation of the latest military technology across Asia suggest that the region is set for a prolonged period of strategic contestation.
This volume contributes to these areas of study, and will be of central importance to professionals interested in civil-military.
Explains how the intense focus on national security is actually compromising the stability of the country, tracing the historical events and contributing factors that have promoted a deeply militarized American culture.
Military Intervention in Democratic Societies
This book explores the interaction of the Russian military and society in the early modern and modern period. In contrast to straightforward military histories, the volume is concerned with the...
This is no less the case for the patterns of war, where change has been disorientating for soldiers and statesmen whose confidence in the old, the traditional, and the known has been shaken.
The Oxford Handbook of War is the definitive analysis of war in the twenty-first century.