Sometimes, in order to return civilization to its senses and better angels, one must take a fearless trip into the barnyard. And not be afraid to laugh. Pig: A Memoir, which appears 70 years after Animal Farm, updates the political and existential status of man and pig in a laugh-out-loud, mini-epic of a narrative that readers everywhere will be quoting at the water cooler. Pig: A Memoir has so many dynamic moving parts that it reads like it is reflecting the state of our world in real time. A contemporary allegorical fable about the overlapping breakdown of the porcine and human public health systems, Charles Ortleb's little masterpiece is full of the absurd zaniness of Catch-22 and the gritty horror of The Jungle. He has used his journalistic, critical, and comedic skills to expose our planet's newest biomedical Silent Spring. Some will call Pig: A Memoir an edgy, postmodern, meta-satire, while others will deem it a jolly good tale that opens our eyes to the situation of the human-like pigs and porcine humans in our midst. In the upside-down world of Pig: A Memoir, the pigs talk and the humans oink. The pigs are more terrified of getting cockamamie diseases from humans than the humans are of getting them from pigs. One never escapes the feeling in Pig: A Memoir, that Ortleb has strategically nailed something utterly monstrous that will one day bite us all on the ass, if it hasn't already. This provocative and hilarious book is as wild and crazy as a fox. A literary and philosophical torch has been passed from Orwell to Ortleb. The world has a new classic. Charles Ortleb was one of the most important publishers of the 20th century. Called a -visionary editor- by The New York Times, his newspaper was the first to break the stories of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He is the author of Truth to Power, an epic history of the AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. For the past decade he has been the only journalist in the world to raise awareness about the public health threat of HHV-6 at his website, HHV-6 University.