Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. HRM can also be performed by line managers. HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. Human Resource Management 9 1.1 Meaning of Human Resources 9 1.2 Human resource functions 9 1.3 Organization culture 9 1.4 Human resource activities in management 10 1.5 HR specialists 11 1.6 Strategic aspects of HRM 12 1.7 The HR manager 12 1.8 Industrial relations 13 1.9 The role of HR department 13 1.10 Effects of a good HR policy 15 1.11 Responsibilities of HR department 15 2 Manpower planning, recruitment and selection 18 2.1 Expansion of organization 18 2.2 HR or manpower planning 18 2.3 Self-regulatory manpower control 21 Problems caused by expansion of organization 22 2.5 Scientific management 22 2.6 Organization and Method Studies (O & M Studies) 23 2.7 Recruitment 24 2.8 Policy of recruitment 24 2.9 Recruitment process 26 2.10 Selection 30 3 Induction, Training and Employee Development 34 3.1 Induction 34 3.2 Training and development 36 3.3 Need and benefits of training 36 3.4 Types of training programmes 37 3.5 Training and development methods 38 3.6 Characteristics of a good training programme 38 3.7 Designing the training programme 39 3.8 Evaluation of training 40 4 Health, Safety, Security and Welfare 43 4.1 HR department's responsibilities 43 Fire prevention and fire fighting 46 4.3 Medical facilities 48 4.4 Safety and security officers 49 4.5 Prevention of theft and pilfering 49 4.6 Employee welfare 49 5 Motivation, Employee Counseling, Resignations and Retirement 52 5.1 Motivation 52 5.2 Style of management 52 5.3 Changes in management attitudes 53 5.4 Contributors and theorists 53 5.5 Motivation strategies 57 5.6 Managerial styles in HR management 59 5.7 Disciplinary action 59 5.8 Employee counseling 60 5.9 Equal Opportunity Policy 61 5.10 Resignations 62 5.11 Retirement 63 Executive Education 6 Performance Appraisal 64 6.1 Purpose of Performance Appraisal 64 6.2 Importance of Performance Appraisal 65 6.3 Steps in Appraisal 65 6.4 Methods, techniques and tools 66 7 Remuneration 75 7.1 Remuneration policy 75 7.2 Systems of remuneration 76 7 .3 Standard employee benefits 77 8 Personnel Records and Statistics 79 8 .1 Need for Personnel Records 79 8.2 Information in Personnel Records 79 8.3 Formats of Personnel Records 80 8.4 Reports 83 8.5 Learning Organizations 84 9 Industrial Relations 85 9.1 Trade Unions 85 9.2 Collective bargaining 85 9.3 Industrial action 85 9.4 Joint consultation 86 9.5 Staff Associations 86 9.6 The Role of HR Manager 86 10 References 87