Tears of the Silenced: Tears of the Silenced; The Heartbreaking, Yet Inspireing True Story of One Amish Girl Who Refuse...

Tears of the Silenced: Tears of the Silenced; The Heartbreaking, Yet Inspireing True Story of One Amish Girl Who Refuse...
Misty Griffin


In this memior the author writes in detail about the horrors she sustained at the hands of her mother, stepfather and the hands of the Amish church. After her mother meets up with her step- father when she is at the young age of four, she and her younger sister are whisked away from their father to begin a life of solitude and sorrow. Here they are succumbed to severe physical and mental torture, sexual abuse and isolation from the rest of the world. Day by day Misty and her sister are brainwashed into believing that dressing and living like the Amish is the only way to get into heaven. Fourteen years later after unspeakable torture and constant threats against their lives Misty and her sister are taken to an Amish community in rural Minnesota. Here they learn german, are made to change their names and eventualy become baptized members. Eighteen year old Misty breathes a sigh of releif no longer haveing to fear her stepfather will kill her. This is short lived however when she finds herself refuseing to be silenced. This ancient tradition in wich Amish sex abuse victims are made to forgive their atackers and continue to live life as normal. If the victim refuses to be quiet about the incident they are paid a visit by the ministers in which they are harshly reprimanded and if they still refuse to be silenced they are shunned until they comply.. After Misty is attacked by the Bishop of her church she refuses to be silenced and involves the local law enforment. When she refuses to recant her police report she is then shunned by the Amish church. This sends her reeling out into the modern world with out any ID or social security number and only a second grade education. However Misty meets these setbacks head on as she prepares to embrace her life long dream of becomeing a medical missionary. In the last few chapters you will follow Misty as she gets her GED, deals with severe PTSD and nightmares, tries to get her sister out of the Amish and is met by the local ministers as they try and intimidate her into recanting her police statement. Misty writes in detail about the sting of being shunned and haveing everyone that you held dear turn thier backs to you. But also she is determined to stand up for the silenced victims no matter the cost............ " Our Voice is our most powerful tool against these evil people who prey on the innocent, we should never be silent and let them continue to harm people. By being silent we are telling them it is "Okay to continue." I firmly beleive if you choose to stand with those who wish to keep the victim silent you are youself guilty of a crime against humanity - Misty Griffin

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