Adam Smiths original, path breaking work on decision making, uncertainty and public policies to minimize the impact of uncertainty in the economy has been overlooked for well over two hundred years. One need only peruse the badly analyzed work of Smith in this area as presented by Henry D MacLeod in his The Elements of Political Economy on pp.212-220 or Henry Sidgwicks The Principles of Political Economy on pp.359-361, as well as the misevaluations of Smiths contributions made by Jacob Viner in 1927, Joseph Schumpeter in 1954, Murray Rothbard in 1995, or Salim Rashid in 1998 to realize that Smiths important contributions were never recognized. The claim that Smith made no original contributions to economic theory or economics is simply false.
In contrast, Smith argues for a warranted resentment that feminists can more readily embrace as pertinent to forming solidarity and achieving social and political reform. In her essay, “Sympathy and Solidarity,” Bartky begins by asking ...
In April 1759, Hume had reported that Charles Townshend, the young Duke of Buccleuch's stepfather and guardian, 'is so taken with the Performance, that he said to Oswald he wou'd put the Duke of Buccleugh under the Authors Care, ...
Gathers selections from Smith's economic writings, discusses his theories, and assesses their influence on modern economics
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
This Companion volume provides an examination of all aspects of Smith's thought.
Such a view point disregards the unpaid work of mothering, caring, cleaning and cooking.
Drawing on current events, literature, history, and pop culture, Roberts offers an accessible and thought-provoking view of human behavior through the lenses of behavioral economics and philosophy"--
This book brings Smith into full view, showing how much of modern economics and political science is in Smith.
Banknotes: in 2016 it was announced that Smith's image would be succeeded on the £20 note by that of J. M. W. Turner Mrs Thatcher on influence of Smith: Speech to Scottish Conservative Conference, City Hall, Perth, 13 May 1988.
This book revisits the moral and political philosophy of Adam Smith, capitalism's founding father, to recover his understanding of the morals of the market age.