Entrepreneurial Finance: Venture Capital, Deal Structure & Valuation, Second Edition illustrates how the theory and methods of finance and economics can be used to guide strategic decision-making. This text prepares readers for a variety of situations that confront stakeholders in the rapidly evolving fields of entrepreneurial finance and venture capital, outlining ways to think from the investor's and entrepreneur's perspectives. Readers will find a unique and direct focus on value creation as the objective of each strategic and financial choice. The authors specifically address the influences of risk and uncertainty on new venture success and investment performance, devoting substantial attention to methods of financial modeling and contract design. Finally, they provide a comprehensive survey of approaches to new venture valuation, with an emphasis on applications. The second edition is thoroughly revised to reflect new data, research, and changes in practice in this fast-moving field. It has an increased focus on venture capital, while maintaining its hallmark coverage of the financial aspects of entrepreneurship. Updates throughout address technological changes that have the potential to dramatically change the landscape for finance, such as recent innovations in contracting for early-stage ventures, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and Internet connectivity. Lastly, the book offers a companion website with a useful suite of resources for students and instructors alike, including spreadsheets, templates, simulation applications, and interactive cases and tutorials.
With a strong emphasis on sound financial management practices, the text explores important issues entrepreneurs face, including how and where to obtain financing, using business cash flow models, and positioning the early-stage company ...
Successful high-growth entrepreneurs who were offspring of entrepreneurs include Berry Gordy of Motown Records; Wayne Huizenga of Waste Management, Blockbuster Video, and AutoNation; Josephine Esther Mentzer of Estée Lauder; ...
Visually appealing and engagingly written, this book, together with its range of bespoke digital resources, succeeds in breaking down complex concepts and communicating them with clarity.
Written for upper level undergraduate students of entrepreneurship, this highly accessible book breaks down complex concepts, and includes hands-on cases and exercises, making learning a breeze!
For many, starting a business can be an overwhelming experience. Understanding the financial aspects of running a business can be even more daunting. "Entrepreneurial Finance, Fourth Edition," was written to...
Written with the goal of making entrepreneurial finance accessible, this book starts with the basics, develops advanced topics, and derives practical insights.
Timely, practical, comprehensive manual for financing entrepreneurial ventures, with a strong European perspective.
Largely reflecting European businesses and with a European perspective, the text is grounded in sound theoretical foundations.
Resource added for the Business Management Entrepreneurship program 101023-E.
This new edition retains the original's structure, around seven modules or building blocks designed to be taught across a full semester with natural break points built into each chapter within the modules.