Love Conquers All: How Love Delivered Her from Cancer & Him from Prison

Love Conquers All: How Love Delivered Her from Cancer & Him from Prison
Love Conquers All
Balboa Press
Lenny & Vandy Singleton


Do you believe in miracles? Do you want to believe that Love (with a capital “L”) does indeed conquer all? Love Conquers All is a story about a white woman finding a long-lost black friend after twenty-eight years. Lenny has been incarcerated for more than nineteen plus years for six “grab and dash” robberies committed in six days while he was under the influence of alcohol and crack cocaine. Now facing two life sentences plus one hundred years, Lenny has been sentenced to die in prison even though there has not been one victim impact statement made against him. In their journey through his incarceration, her divorce, discovering cancer, and having major surgeries to prevent paralysis from the neck down, they fall inexplicably in Love – with a capital “L.” But they must overcome huge obstacles, for both have received death sentences. Written in letter format, this story is raw, honest, and true-to-life in describing their spiritual transformations. It is a self-help manual, an examination of the brain and a testament to the power of our thoughts to create our reality. It is an honest exploration of many of the systems that make up our world: the criminal justice system, the healthcare system, religious systems, the education system, government systems, and the judicial system. It examines nature and man’s relationship to it. It shows the family unit in all of its dysfunction and includes an examination of humanity’s uglier side in terms of how it deals with racism, addiction, disparity, injustice, mental illness, obesity, apathy, complacency, and shame and sin. But more importantly, it is a story of redemption, gratitude, hope, and grace. This story offers a discovery of how miracles occur. It pays homage to the truth that Love does indeed conquer all.

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