Silent Sentinels: The Sequel to the Mourning Doves

Silent Sentinels: The Sequel to the Mourning Doves
Silent Sentinels
Patricia Huff


Silent Sentinels is the long awaited sequel to “The Mourning Doves.” Like Doves, Silent Sentinels involves murder, kidnapping, blackmail, and a deep and abiding love affair. Jason Borseau, the co-owner of KCOY Radio Station in Yuma, Arizona, is now the co-owner and CEO of KSOL-TV in Phoenix, where the story begins. Jason is married to Kathryn Whittaker, the love of his life. The year is 1961. A serial killer is targeting the west side of Phoenix, Arizona. Five young women, alleged prostitutes, all minorities, have gone missing, their bodies discovered in the desert, ravaged by the killer and savaged by wild animals. Now, another girl has disappeared. Jason Borseau’s good friend Christian Grayson, a handsome, light-skinned Negro and Pulitzer Prize–winning investigator, has worked for Jason for four years. For some time, Christian has had a hunch that something isn’t right about the way the City is doing business. Jason has doubts, but over the years, he’s learned to trust his colleague’s instincts. Jason instructs Christian to go ahead, and look into it, but urges him to tread softly through the City’s hallowed halls. Meanwhile, the “Ladies of the Night Murders” investigation is going nowhere. Christian is certain it’s not a priority with the police, because the victims are minorities, and prostitutes. He’s determined to unmask the killer. Unfortunately, he becomes the target. When Christian is found unconscious and badly beaten on the street in front of Jason’s estate, Jason calls his old friend, Alan Sheffield, Arizona’s Attorney General, the State’s, “Top Cop.” Together they begin an investigation that will expose a conspiracy that runs deeper than anyone could have imagined, leading them into the darkest regions of human behavior. This book is enthralling in its emotional aspects, brilliant in its love story, an extremely thrilling mystery. Silent Sentinels is a whodunit that keeps you guessing until the very end.

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