The last post

The last post
The Last Post
Rhys Ryan Evans
Rhys Ryan Evans


Rhys Evans an ex-British soldier who was still classed as absent without leave after many years, Now hiding in a farm in Northern Ireland close to the coast with two good friends and a young girl, The farm was owned by an old man who owed Rhys a big favour for saving his son’s life a while ago on another adventure, The other people hiding at the farm with Rhys was: Duncan and Moose, close palls to Rhys. 1 They all served together in the Special Forces, with multiple operations in hostile environments, The girl was the girlfriend of Duncan who was rescued from the Amazon jungle in Brazil, She was a lot younger than Dunc but was a good girl, They all respected her from what she had been through getting them of the jungle and escaping across Peru to cross the seas and get to Ireland, There should have been another girl, Rhys’s girl, Carmem. There was an accident whilst they were all crossing the Atlantic ocean in the boat they had high jacked from a group of people who were going to double cross them and take the emeralds that Rhys and his pals had found in the Amazon Jungle, 2 The boat had stalled for some reason in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean at night in bad weather, They were being thrown around in very large waves and heavy winds, everyone on board was working hard to sort things out, when there was a scream. Carmem disappeared into the water into the night, There was nothing they could do, They were all lucky to survive that bad night. Rhys was devastated and heart broken, he blamed himself for not making sure Carmem was wearing a life jacket. He hit the bottle for a few days and just stayed in his cabin, It was a long journey to the coast of Ireland, Rhys sorted himself out and came to terms with the loss of his Carmem. 3 Rhys called his old friend called: Dan in Ireland, he used a secure line and arranged to hide the boat in a hidden cove. Rhys told Dan what they had been through, he was the only person he could trust. They would hide on Dan’s farm that was well out of the way from prying eyes. Old Dan was a good friend to Rhys with a long past, Dan was a commander in the IRA long time ago, His son was murdered in Bosnia by a sniper, Dan knew Rhys had saved his son’s life on many occasions when his son was serving in the Irish rangers unit. The old man knew ways to get rid of the emeralds, he had black market connections, Old Dan had dodgy connections that were linked with the IRA, the Irish republican army, He was the IRA, a long time ago.

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