With the most exam-focused science prep on the market, Kaplan's ATI TEAS Prep Plus provides comprehensive content review, realistic practice, and expert advice to help you get into the school of your choice. Content review and practice questions are tailored to the TEAS 6. The content you review here is the content you will see on the test. Kaplan is so confident that ATI TEAS Prep Plus offers the guidance you need, we guarantee it: After studying with our online resources and book, you'll score higher on the exam—or you'll get your money back. The Best Review Two full-length practice tests, with comprehensive explanations of every question 50-question online Qbank for further test-like practice More than 300 additional practice questions and explanations to develop your skills Focused science review targeted to the ATI TEAS 6 Expert review of all TEAS content areas: Science, Reading, Math, and English and Language Usage Glossaries to help you understand the key terms in each content area Expert Guidance Our practical test-taking strategies and study techniques help prepare you for even the hardest concepts Kaplan's expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularly. We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.
Provides comprehensive exam review as well as test-taking strategies and study techniques.
In August 2016, the ATI TEAS exam replaced the TEAS V. The ATI TEAS, already the most widely-used nursing school admission exam in the U.S., is now also used for allied health program admission nationwide.
The official TEAS manual written by the creators of the TEAS exam. This study manual directly aligns with the TEAS exam, giving you the preparation you need to achieve the highest score possible. Features: - New!
Accepted, Inc.¿s ATI TEAS 6 Study Guide 2018-2019: ATI TEAS Version 6 Study Manual and Practice Test Questions offers:A detailed overview of what you need to know for ATI TEAS 6, so that you know exactly what to expect on the ATI TEAS ...
ATI TEAS Study Manual 2020-2021: TEAS 6 Exam Study Guide and Practice Test Questions for the Test of Essential Academic...
"Best score raising study guide"--Cover.
This ATI TEAS Guide has the functionality of a customizable calendar telling you not only what to focus on, but when to focus on it.
Don't pay the same or more for a study guide that offers you fewer resources than Smart Edition. This is the ONLY study guide on the market that contains: 5 full-length practice tests 850 realistic test questions Online flashcards.
We've done this by setting high standards for Mometrix Test Preparation guides, and our ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is no exception. It's an excellent investment in your future. Get the TEAS review you need to be successful on your exam.
***Your #1 ATI TEAS Practice Test Resource***