Understanding Business Ethics

Understanding Business Ethics
Understanding Business Ethics
Business & Economics
SAGE Publications
Peter A. Stanwick, Sarah D. Stanwick


Filled with real-world case studies and examples of ethical dilemmas, Understanding Business Ethics, Third Edition prepares students and managers alike to make ethical decisions in today’s complex, global environment. Bestselling authors Peter A. Stanwick and Sarah D. Stanwick explain the fundamental importance of ethical leadership, decision making, and strategic planning while examining emerging trends in business ethics such as the developing world, human rights, environmental sustainability, and technology. In addition to presenting information related to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the text’s 26 real-world cases profile a variety of industries, countries, and ethical issues in a way that is relevant and meaningful to students’ lives. The Third Edition features new cases from well-known companies such as Disney and General Motors, new coverage of emerging topics such as big data and social media, expanded coverage of corporate social responsibility, and more. Using an applied approach, this text helps students understand why and how business ethics really do matter!

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