"What do the 2014 midterm elections mean?" Political Behavior in Midterm Elections: 2015 Edition, the essential supplement to Political Behavior of the American Electorate, provides the answers. Authors Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, Michael W. Wagner, William H. Flanigan, and Nancy H. Zingale draw on the most recent National Election Study surveys to offer a close analysis of the key issues and races, including: the outcome of the battle for control of the Senate, including races in Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, and Alaska; the role of independents in elections, particularly in this era of partisan polarization; the influence of record campaign spending on election outcomes; and whether supporting President Obama’s major programs helped or hurt members of Congress. The perfect update to the classic text, Political Behavior of the American Electorate, by Flanigan, Zingale, Theiss-Morse, and Wagner, the 2015 edition of Political Behavior in Midterm Elections is available free to students when packaged with the text.
Political Behavior of the American Electorate + Political Behavior in Midterm Elections 2015
About the twelfth edition: Flanigan and Zingale continue their thorough and accessible analytical overview of the political behavior of the American voter in this twelfth edition.
Political Behavior of the American Electorate, 13th Ed. + Cq Press's Guide to the 2014 Midterm Elections
Baumer and Gold make a different argument - that party polarisation offers the kind of choice and accountability to voters that was not always present in earlier periods of American political history.
This book centers on the innovations developed out of their 2006 pilot study and contains a great deal of critical information."--John Lapinski, University of Pennsylvania
Kelley, Stanley, Jr., and Thad W. Mirer. 1974. "The Simple Act of Voting.” American Political Science Review 68:572-91. ... King, Gary, and Lyn Ragsdale. 1988. The Elusive Executive. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press. Knight, Kathleen. 1984.
Jacobson, Gary C., The Politics of Congressional Elections, 5th Edition*\ Jacobson's classic work offers readers a systematic and engaging account of what goes on in congressional elections and demonstrates how...
New to this Edition: New feature called "A Generation of Change" compares various current aspects of politics, government, and public policy to that of a generation ago.
This book explores why the increase in Black conservatives has not met with a corresponding rise in the number of Black Republicans.
Morality at the Ballot examines the ability of direct democracy (the process of deciding policy through the ballot) to increase turnout.