2015 Recipient of the Textbook Excellence Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) The Sixth Edition of Richard Gargiulo’s well-respected Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality offers a comprehensive, engaging, and easy-to-read introduction to special education. Grounded in research and updated to reflect the most current thinking and standards of the field, the book provides students with the skills and knowledge to become successful teachers. Richard Gargiulo and new co-author Emily Bouck encourage a deep awareness and understanding of the human side of special education. Their book provides students a rare look into the lives of exceptional students and their families, as well as the teachers that work with exceptional persons throughout their lives. The new edition maintains the broad context and research focus for which the book is known, while expanding on current trends and contemporary issues to better serve both pre-service and in-service teachers of exceptional individuals. The text is organized into two distinct parts to offer students a truly comprehensive and humane understanding of exceptionality. In Part I, readers are provided strong foundational perspective on broad topics that affect all individuals with an exceptionality. In Part II, the authors engage students with thorough examinations of individual exceptionalities, and discuss historical, personal, and educational details of each exceptionality as it affects a person across the lifespan.
Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn. Disabled Rights: American Disability Policy and the Fight for Equality. ... Thousand, Jacqueline S., and Richard A. Villa, eds. Creating an Inclusive School. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes, 2005.
Creating Effective IEPs: A Guide to Developing, Writing, and Implementing Plans for Teachers is a brief primer on Individualized Education Plans that has been developed as a custom supplement for textbooks in Introduction to Education, ...
Bryan, T. A. (1997). Assessing the personal and social status of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 12(1), 63–76. Bryan, T. A., Bay, M., Lopez-Reyna, N., & Donahue, M. 162 References.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. NOTE: Used...
Children of the post-industrial society must achieve financial status by their own efforts sustained from early periods life and are supposed to be equipped with various qualities, both in terms of formal and informal education and ...
... Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003) includes research chapters on the effects and limitations of book sharing as ... chapter 13 (volume 1: S. B. Neuman & D. K. Dickinson, Eds., 2001; volume 2: D. K. Dickinson & S. B. Neuman, Eds., ...
Derman-Sparks, L., Ramsey, P. G., & Edwards, J. O. (2011). What if all the kids are White? Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families. New York: Teachers College Press. DeVore, S., Miolo, G., & Hader, J. (2011).
Featuring a wide range of topics such as logic education, cognition, and knowledge management systems, this book is ideal for academicians, sociologists, researchers, social scientists, psychologists, and students.
Authors Tara S. Guerriero, Mary A. Houser, and Vicki A. McGinley want to ensure that future special education teachers have the preparation to provide comprehensive instruction to P-12 students through this text.