Designed to promote active, hands-on learning, Social Workers as Game Changers: Confronting Complex Social Issues Through Cases by Laura Lewis is composed of 11 chapter-length case studies that prepare students to address the types of challenging social issues they will encounter as practicing social workers. The cases—covering topics from immigration, gangs, and education to race, mental health, and end-of-life care—illustrate the interrelationship between the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and facilitate not just recall of facts, but also higher-level learning. Each case allows students to confront realistic scenarios as they evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information, resulting in more engaged and informed classroom discussions.
Roger Blanpain & Frank Hendrickx, Labour Law between Change and Tradition: Liber Amicorum Antoine Jacobs, 2011 (ISBN 97890-411-3424-0). Roger Blanpain, Thomas Klebe, Marlene Schmidt & Bernd Waas, Trade Union Rights at the Workplace, ...
In "The Game Changers: Social Alchemists of the 21st Century", Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. offers insights and solutions to empower us to become more conscious participants in these exciting times of change, putting current events into a ...
180 Unstoppable In May of 2017, President Johnson was captured in a TMZ video advocating the vandalizing of the President of the United States' Walk of Fame star on Hollywood Boulevard. His comments were then broadcast on TMZ's ...
They have in their minds their own 'little black book' of notes, tips, and secret success habits that are proven winners. In this book, we share some of those secrets with you so that you can create your own breakthrough impacts.
Showcasing the work of the J. K. Rowling, this informational text examines the life of the writer who brought us the magical world of Harry Potter.
This book is for those of you who want to seize that opportunity; you who believe you can make a positive impact in our fast changing world.
Ubiquitous “disruptive technologies” (Bower & Christensen, 1995) are game-changers that are altering human existence and experience. “Newworld” technologies in a global economy offer untold possibilities for every aspect of life.
"Rachel Reid crafted a story of true heart, beauty, heat, and glorious, hard-won redemption!
And if he isn’t careful, the world he’s learning to see more clearly could blink out of existence… This high-concept novel from the National Book Award-winning and New York Times-bestselling author of the Arc of a Scythe series ...
In Emotional Intelligence Game Changers, leading emotional intelligence expert Harvey Deutschendorf teaches readers how to leverage this skill to achieve success in every part of life.