Join the conversation with one of sociology's best-known thinkers. Essentials of Sociology, Second Edition adapted from Ritzer's Introduction to Sociology, Third Edition, provides the same rock-solid foundation in a shorter and more streamlined format. Like the original Ritzer text, Essentials of Sociology illuminates traditional sociological concepts and theories, and focuses on some of the most compelling contemporary social phenomena: globalization, consumer culture, the Internet, and the "McDonaldization" of society. As technology flattens the globe, students are challenged to apply a sociological perspective to their world, and to see how "public" sociologists are engaging with the critical issues of today. Contributor to the SAGE Teaching Innovations and Professional Development Award Find out more at
... transition to capitalism , it also created a large class of people — peasants “ freed ” from the land — with no property except their capacity to labour , which they were continually forced to sell in order to gain a livelihood .
Indeed , there is a growing body of evidence that their personalities continue to grow and change ( Brim & Kagan , 1980 ; Levinson et al . , 1978 ) . In addition , many new social roles must be learned in adulthood , and for this reason ...
But he never looked back. This entry reviews the evolution of Duncan's contributions to social science methodology. Some highlights include his work on urban residential segregation, a socioeconomic index (SEI), occupational changes in .
Introduction to Sociology: A Cooperative Project
Sociology: A Critical Introduction, Karen L. Anderson
Changing Theories: New Directions in Sociology
Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Part I Paradigms -- Introduction to Part I -- Chapter One Paradigms in Sociology -- Chapter Two Conflict Constructionism: Elements of the Paradigm -- Chapter Three ...
... 10 Sen , G. , 544 Seppa , N. , 484 Settersten , R.A. , Jr. , 320 Shane , H.G. , 399 Shanks , J.M. , 445 Shaoguang ... 391 , 395 , 399 Solomon , R. , 390 , 391 , 395 , 399 Sommers - Flanagan , R. , 306 Sorensen , A. , 246 Sorokin ...
Finally , in the excerpt from Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut , Jr. , the ... Bahr , Howard M. , Theodore Caplow , and Bruce A. Chadwick . " Middletown III : Problems of Replication , Longitudinal Measurement ... Fowler , Jr. , Floyd .
Sociology Laboratory: Computer Simulations for Learning Sociology