Now in its third edition, this powerful book features timely new content from innovative schools and teachers, focusing on reaching struggling students. The authors illuminate how to raise student achievement by upholding high expectations, while teaching with cultural responsiveness. Discover how to: Lead all students to deeper learning, grounded in critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication, collaboration—and the “5th C,” cultural awareness Support the latest standards for college and career readiness and English Language Proficiency/Development Incorporate technology into teaching and learning in innovative ways, adaptable to varying resource levels Implement K-12 lesson plans that support individualized, project-based learning
This second edition provides strategies to increase student engagement, develop cognitive skills, and empower students to take responsibility for their own learning.
"In this tell-it-like-it is book, Donna Whyte presents specific strategies for addressing specific classroom management problems, and she doesn't shy away from tough issues such as bullying, lying, and stealing.
New for the Third Edition: A revised Introduction that places the book in the context of the 50th anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington.An updated analysis of White social dominance, bringing in Critical Race Theory and reflecting on ...
Acknowledgments - Christine Sleeter: Foreword - Introduction: The Transforming Power of Education - Part I: Toward an Ubuntu Education and Pedagogy for Urban Students: Educating Urban Students for a Multicultural Democracy - Ethic of ...
Everything you feel, everything you believe, everything you like, and everything you dislike are all okay. This book contains writing activities for you to do that will challenge your opinions. Unlike school, there are no wrong answers!
This book will challenge those biases, share the similarities and differences among those individuals and the rest of the population, promote inclusion and acceptance, and inspire the reader to be a better person to everyone, no matter the ...
Like a good mentor, this book will be a valuable aid throughout your business career.”—Herbert J. Siegel, chairman, Chris-Craft Industries, Inc. “Mark McCormack describes the approach I have personally seen him adopt, which has not ...
Lloyd J. Edwards Jr., a retired police lieutenant and bureau commander from Huntington Beach, California, provides deep insights on leadership.
Bradford and Cohen are very real and recognize that the reactions will vary from “discomfort in stage one, ... The Inner Game So, if you are like me, you are probably wondering, “Just how the heck am I supposed to remember all this ...
The first was dedicated to subject knowledge and how to teach your subject. ... could result in unsettled behaviour; why a single pupil being 'off' meant a totally different classroom dynamic – these were more of a mystery to me. You ...