This comprehensive work presents a broad range of cases drawn from the clinical experience of authors Kenneth N. Levy, Kristen M. Kelly, and William J. Ray to take readers beyond theory into real-life situations. The authors take a holistic approach by including multiple perspectives and considerations, apart from those of just the patient. Each chapter follows a consistent format: Presenting Problems and Client Description; Diagnosis and Case Formulation; Course of Treatment; Outcome and Prognosis/Treatment Follow-up; and Discussion Questions. Providing empirically supported treatments and long-term follow-up in many case studies gives students a deeper understanding of each psychopathology and the effects of treatment over time.
In Barbara's case, for example, a psychoanalyst might have argued that her inability to reach orgasm during intercourse was associated with fear of success in the sense that being successful in her adult sexual relationship might be ...
This in-depth casebook takes mental disorders from the realm of theory into the complex reality of human lives. Covering the full range of psychopathologies and types of patients, these cases...
The casebook provides 17 additional case histories based on the authors' clinical experiences, each going beyond DSM-IV diagnosis to describe the individual's history and symptoms, a theoretical discussion of treatment, a specific treatment ...
Designed to be flexible via its focused modular organization, the text reflects the latest changes to the DSM (DSM 5, 2013) and is updated with new research and developments in the field.
Abnormal Psychology & Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology (International Edition)
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology (Evaluation Copy)
Case Studies in Abnormal Behavior
Abnormal Psychology