Build a balanced assessment system and support ESSA requirements! The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) increases assessment flexibility and responsibilities for states and districts, and this comprehensive guide helps leaders meet and succeed that challenge. Authors Chappuis, Commodore and Stiggins have helped thousands of teachers, principals and other educational leaders in becoming assessment-literate and developing assessment systems built on quality assessment. Readers will learn how to: Develop balance in an assessment system by combining formative and summative approaches, providing insight on students’ progress Strengthen classroom-based assessment and involve students in self-assessment
This comprehensive new guide provides clear steps and strategies for developing an assessment system, and includes many interactive exercises designed for professional development and system implementation.
In J. H. McMillan (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of research on classroom assessment (pp. 17–34). Sage. Andrade, H. L., Bennett, R. L., & Cizek, G.J. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of formative assessment in ...
This book explores the importance of effective classroom assessment to student achievement and the role of school leaders to model and spark positive change through building teacher literacy, providing targeted professional development, ...
It's fair to assume that if the curriculum floor of the house is in disarray then the assessment floor of the house is going ... to ensure the curriculum is available 203 The Required Skills for Assessment Balance and Quality Competency 3.
Rick Stiggins, Carol Commodore, and Steve Chappuis "Assessment Balance and Quality: An Action Guide for School Leaders, 3/e" In this new edition from Pearson ATI, acclaimed author team Rick Stiggins, Carol Commodore, and Steve Chappuis ...
The door is open for assessment reform; here is a bold plan for getting it right.
The research, rationale, strategies, and examples provided in this book will help teachers develop their own repertoire of formative and summative assessments to monitor, grade, and make inferences about a student’s ability to meet ...
In this guide, you'll find: Real-world examples of restorative assessment in practice Cutting-edge research on personalized learning and assessment Practical strategies for implementation Action points and reflection questions
He combines decades of experience with international research to define a vision that uses assessment to supercharge student learning, not merely measure it—to support student growth, not merely hold schools accountable for it ...
This report reviews recent and current work in science assessment to determine which aspects of the Framework's vision can be assessed with available techniques and what additional research and development will be needed to support an ...