Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication

Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication
Language Arts & Disciplines
SAGE Publications
Janis Teruggi Page, Lawrence J. Parnell


Winner of the 2019 Textbook & Academic Authors Association’s The Most Promising New Textbook Award How can public relations play a more active role in the betterment of society? Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication prepares you for success in today’s fast-changing PR environment. Recognizing that developments in technology, business, and culture require a fresh approach, Janis T. Page and Lawrence Parnell have written a practical introductory text that aligns these shifts with the body of knowledge from which the discipline of public relations was built. Because the practice of public relations is rooted in credibility, the authors believe that you must become ethical and socially responsible communicators more concerned with building trust and respect with diverse communities than with creating throwaway content. The authors balance this approach with a focus on communication theory, history, process, and practice and on understanding how these apply to strategic public relations planning, as well as on learning how to create a believable and persuasive message. Key Features Chapter-opening Scenarios capture your attention by discussing current PR challenges—such as the Wells Fargo cross-selling, VW emissions cover-up, and P&G’s “Like a Girl” campaign—and thus frame the chapter content and encourage active reading. At the end of the chapter, you explore various aspects of socially responsible communication to “solve” the PR challenge. Socially Responsible Case Studies in each chapter illustrate the key responsibilities of a modern public relations professional such as media relations, crisis communications, employee communications, applied communications research, and corporate and government-specific communications. Each case features problem-solving questions to encourage critical thinking. Social Responsibility in Action boxes feature short, specific social responsibility cases—such as Universals’ #NoFoodWasted, Nespresso in South Sudan, and Merck’s collaboration with AIDS activists—to highlight best practices and effective tactics, showing the link between sound public relations strategy and meaningful social responsibility programs. Insight boxes spark classroom discussion on particularly important or unique topics in each chapter. Personality Profile boxes will inspire you with stories from PR veterans and rising stars such as the U.S. CEO of Burson-Marstellor, the Chief Communication Officer of the United Nations Foundation, and the Executive VP at HavasPR.

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