The 2016 elections took place under intense political polarization and uncertain economic conditions, to widely unexpected results. How did Trump pull off his victory? Political Behavior of the American Electorate, Fourteenth Edition, attempts to answer this question by interpreting data from the most recent American National Election Study to provide a thorough analysis of the 2016 elections and the current American political behavior. Authors Elizabeth Theiss-Morse and Michael Wagner continue the tradition of Flanigan and Zingale to illustrate and document trends in American political behavior with the best longitudinal data available. The authors also put these trends in context by focusing on the major concepts and characteristics that shape Americans’ responses to politics. In the completely revised Fourteenth Edition, you will explore get-out-the-vote efforts and the reasons people voted the way they did, as well as the nature and impact of partisanship, news media coverage, and other issues in 2016—all with an eye toward understanding the trends that led up to the historic decision.
Political Behavior of the American Electorate
What impact the Tea Party had in the midterm elections beyond Cantor's defeat will be analyzed by political scientists for years to come, but we do know that the Tea Party added to the Republicans' strategizing in both the primary and ...
A strong , recent statement of the symbolic racism position is in Donald R. Kinder and Lynn M. Sanders , Divided by Color ... 1964 , ” Ph.D. dissertation , University of Minnesota , 1969 , Table 3.1 , 63 ; and Paul R. Hagner and John C.
Presenting decades of data on voter choice, voter turnout, and public opinion in a way that is clear and accessible for students of political science, the book uniquely emphasizes the importance of voting, socialization, and reform measures ...
On voting behavior in the United States
Party Identification, Political Behavior, and the American Electorate
Political Behavior in Midterm Elections
About the twelfth edition: Flanigan and Zingale continue their thorough and accessible analytical overview of the political behavior of the American voter in this twelfth edition.
The Oxford Handbooks of American Politics are the essential guide to the study of American political life in the 21st Century.
This book draws on quantitative and qualitative analyses of 4000 White American, African American, Latino, and Asian American people to explore inter and intra-ethnoracial differences in social network composition, size, partisanship, ...