A relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships, Fifth Edition helps students better understand their relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family members. Bestselling authors Laura K. Guerrero, Peter A. Andersen, and Walid A. Afifi offer research-based insights and content illustrated with engaging scenarios to show how state-of-the-art research and theory can be applied to specific issues within relationships—with a focus on issues that are central to describing and understanding close relationships. While maintaining the spotlight on communication, the authors also emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the study of personal relationships by including research from such disciplines as social psychology and family studies. The book covers issues relevant to developing, maintaining, repairing, and ending relationships. Both the "bright" and "dark" sides of interpersonal communication within relationships are explored.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
"Morton has written the definitive book on this innovative movie by Steven Spielberg...Meticulous research of this caliber is not found in other books on Close Encounters . Fans will find Morton's take informative and fascinating.
Roy Neary's life is changed forever by the bizarre events that begin with an unexplained power failure.
Noted ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who coined the phrase “close encounters of the third kind.” “Before anyone else had a chance to answer, Steven tossed out a number,” says Michael Phillips. “He said $2.7 to $2.9 million.
As the conference progressed, he was astonished by the quality of the stories told by the hundreds of men and women who came forward hesitantly and reluctantly with their utterly amazing—and utterly convincing—accounts of having been ...
But after years of denials, Hynek made a shocking pronouncement: UFOs are real. Thirty years after his death, Hynek’s agonizing transformation from skepticism to true believer remains one of the great misunderstood stories of science.
Intensity of emotion is inherent to the film’s meaning, and the aim of this book is to explore this in detail.
ogy (as do the playful aliens), Close Encounters disavows alliance with traditional patriarchal institutions and traditional paternal behavior. The government and the military are viewed as deceitful and stupid, lacking in imagination ...
This is the perfect book for teachers, parents, and anyone else who is looking for a lighthearted, nostalgic read.
He's taking it seriously enough to cordon off the perimeter of the sightings.” Captain Greene let out a hearty laugh. “Ethan's right. I'm pretty skeptical they're the real thing.” Then he asked, “Were you around earlier this evening?