Unpack the standards and build a plan for leading learning Evidence increasingly points to a direct link between the curriculum leadership provided by educational leaders and the overall effectiveness of schools. Professional Standards for Educational Leaders introduces the foundations of the recently revised professional educational leadership standards and provides an in-depth explanation and application of each one. Written by the primary architect of PSEL, educational leadership expert Joseph F. Murphy, this authoritative guide to understanding and applying the standards explores the new emphasis on: Leadership of learning, school culture, and diversity Values, ethics, and professional norms of educational leadership Teacher quality, instruction, and caring support
This book is a descriptive treatment of the Professional Standards for Education Leaders (PSEL), developed by several professors in Kentucky who teach graduate ed leadership courses, and their colleagues at the Kentucky Department of ...
Prior to his current position, he was a director of student services, an elementary principal, middle school assistant principal, and high school teacher. He is a member of the district's equity leadership team of advisors, ...
Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText.
This volume includes specific strategies for school leaders to develop knowledge and skills in supporting the learning and development of all students, as well as understanding the dynamics and importance of ethics in leadership practice.
The work of school leaders is critical in this era, and there is heightened attention on the roles of the leaders as linked to student achievement and school improvement; school culture and climate; and the variables that impact achievement ...
Moving Leadership Standards Into Everyday Work: Descriptions of Practice enhances the usefulness of the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) by illustrating key knowledge and actions reflected in leadership that ...
Using a case learning approach, this volume introduces salient theoretical and empirical literature in each core area and provides illustrative cases designed for individual and group analysis.
Embedded assessments with feedback help students review new terms and concepts and encourage reflection and discussion on the issues of the chapter. These are presented within the Enhanced Pearson eText as interactive quizzes.
This book prepares educational leaders with the knowledge needed to critically evaluate, select, and use technological tools to be effective school leaders.
This collection of present-day stories highlights the types of challenges school leaders encounter on a daily basis, all of which demand informed decisions, but none of which are easily resolved.