Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach

Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach
Essentials of Organizational Behavior
Business & Economics
SAGE Publications
Terri A. Scandura


The tools you need to manage and lead. Concise, practical, and based on the best available research, Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach, Second Edition equips students with the necessary skills to become effective leaders and managers. Author Terri A. Scandura uses an evidence-based approach to introduce students to new models proven to enhance the well-being, motivation, and productivity of people in the work place. Experiential exercises, self-assessments, and a variety of real-world cases and examples provide students with ample opportunity to apply OB concepts and hone their critical thinking abilities. A Complete Teaching & Learning Package SAGE Premium Video Included in the interactive eBook! SAGE Premium Video tools and resources boost comprehension and bolster analysis. Watch this video on Leadership and Motivation for a preview. Learn more. Interactive eBook Includes access to SAGE Premium Video, multimedia tools, and much more! Save when you bundle the interactive eBook with the new edition. Order using bundle ISBN: 978-1-5443-2108-0. Learn more. SAGE coursepacks FREE! Easily import our quality instructor and student resource content into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Learn more. SAGE edge FREE online resources for students that make learning easier. See how your students benefit.

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