This is a book for everyone who teaches. Whether you are responsible for your organization’s training and development, you are providing basic education in an elementary school, or you are creating workshops for professional development, this book will help you manage the dynamics of difference necessary to create an environment where all students can learn. Use this book as a workbook for small groups, or as a guide for improving the cultural competence of your teaching. "This book is a riveting and unparalleled resource for all educational merchants of hope. . . . The insights, learning strategies, and professional development structures in this edition illuminate a path for all leaders to successfully commit to the journey of being equity champions!" --Dr. Erick E. Witherspoon, National Director of Equity Professional Development Services Generation Ready "There is no greater honor than to have one’s professional work become the inspiration for a new way of thinking, and transformative literature and action that change the world for schools and the children and youth they serve. I am grateful that the ideas have been so skillfully brought to scale by these authors." --Dr. Terry L. Cross, MSW, Founder and Senior Advisor National Indian Child Welfare Association
The Williams case (Williams v. State of California, 2004) is one example of how learners of color and learners living in poverty must have their right to free and appropriate public education reinforced by the court system.
To understand culture and ethnocentrism a bit better, I have included some excerpts from a classic article, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner. As you read this description, please ask yourself, “Who are the Nacirema?
Using the framework of cultural proficiency, this timely resource offers educators the knowledge and skills to maximize educational opportunities for all students, independent of students' socioeconomic status.
The book is designed to support school leaders in developing policies and fostering practices that respond to the educational and social needs of all students"--
Taylor, Edward, Gillborn, David, and Ladson-Billings, Gloria. (Eds.). (2015). Foundations of critical race theory in education (2nd ed.). New York, Routledge. Terrell, Raymond D., & Lindsey, Randall B. (2015).
It teaches us how to authentically engage in the work of educating our wonderfully diverse population." —Julie A. Vitale, Superintendent Romoland School District, CA "This manifesto is indeed timely and essential.
Cultural Competency/Vulnerable Populations
Boston, MA: Merrill/Prentice Hall. United States Department of Education. (2014). New accountability framework raises the bar for state special education programs. U.S. Department of Education.
An Implementation Template for Cultural Proficiency Trudy T. Arriaga, Randall B. Lindsey. 6. Inform the members that the expectation is to meet 6 times during the year at venues/times of their choice. 7. Encourage members to be creative ...
This book outlines a critical evaluation process and provides rubrics to examine why some students are not being educated to their full potential.