What was Martin Luther King Jr. really like? In this groundbreaking volume, Lewis V. Baldwin answers this question by focusing on the man himself. Drawing on the testimonies of friends, family, and closest associates, this volume adds much-needed biographical background to the discussion, as Baldwin looks beyond all of the mythic, messianic, and iconic images to treat King in terms of his fundamental and vivid humanness. Special attention is devoted to King’s personal insecurities and struggles, his humility and affinity to common people, his delight in pleasant and passionate conversation, his insatiable love for the precious but ordinary things of life, his robust appetite for artfully-prepared and delicious soul food, his enduring appreciation for music and dance, his cheerful and playful attitude and spirit, his abiding interest in games and sports, and his amazing gift of wit, humor, and laughter. King emerges here as an ordinary human being who enjoyed and celebrated life to the fullest, but was never bigger than life. Here we see the personal qualities of King—as a real, fleshly human being—and also as a man shaped by his social and cultural experiences and locations. This book reclaims the man behind the mythology.
This is an indispensable book, transcending the particularity of French obsessions and forcing the reader to think about wider political problems that concern us all.
facilitate video surveillance.94 This also appears to be the reason why, in late 2018, the Egyptian Parliament began to debate legislation to ban the wearing of the burqa and niqab in public places95 and Algeria banned such garments in ...
Presenting emphases on and approaches to issues such as government spending, reporting, pricing and fiscal federalism, the Handbook of Public Finance demonstrates the utility of integrating public finance theory with actual public policy ...
First in a dazzling new historical mystery series featuring Ruby Proulx, a psychic with a questionable past who suddenly finds her future most uncertain.
This volume brings together an impressive array of scholars from various backgrounds and disciplines to explore the global significance of King—then, now, and in the future.
Through it all, Frank sought the love and respect of the Russians he came into contact with. Behind the Red Veil is the story of how they opened their hearts to him—and, in doing so, opened his.
"This book is a must-read.
Behind the veil of ignorance, people do not know whether they will have a good outcome μH or an adverse outcome μL. They therefore do not know whether they will be taxpayers or beneficiaries of income transfers.
Emma Randolf daydreams to escape her not-so-romantic farm life in Sappington, Missouri.
political marketplace 73–84, 107–9 difference from markets for goods and services 106 efficiency 109–110 interest group ... 134, 142 The Politics of Bureaucracy 93 Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Towards Nondiscriminatory Democracy ...