How Did You Get Here?: One Black Man's Journey Through White Corporate America

How Did You Get Here?: One Black Man's Journey Through White Corporate America
Business & Economics
William T. Parker


I started working in corporate America at a time when African Americans were unusual in that setting. White executives felt that they needed to hire someone, but "they couldn't find any", when they finally "got one" they didn't know what to do.Reminds me of the time when I was just learning how to fish and caught an eel, scared the "bejesus" out of me, I thought it was a snake.This book takes the reader on a journey from the beginnings of the era for African Americans initial forays into corporate America through the 1980's. It weaves a powerful tale of how diversity or the lack thereof can have a outsized impact on the economic well being of American businesses.It tells of several significant corporate advantages gained and lost due to overt and covert racism in the corporate arena. This book hopes to stimulate discussion of these issues, and to point out how racist behaviors affect every one involved, not just the targets but the perpetrators as well.This book tells of the achievements of an African American Man who achieved in an outsized and unexpected fashion when presented with the challenges of dealing in the world of White Corporate America.It presents a lesson to young people of the modern era about how to create opportunities where none may seem to exist, and offers a perspective on how African Americans in today's corporate environment are benefiting from the efforts people who paved the way a generation ago. As a friend of mine said "we stormed the beaches and survived, so the generations that followed could take the hill".

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