The third edition of this popular introductory textbook has been revised to provide a totally up-to-date and hands-on guide to the practical aspects of health promotion. Focusing on the range of skills needed to become an effective practitioner, it takes readers step-by-step through the different settings in which health promotion takes place and the various tools they might employ, including chapters on health promotion through the lifespan, one-to-one communication, working with groups, advocacy, social media, workplace settings and planning and management. As well as incorporating the most recent government policies and initiatives in public health, there is new and expanded material on issues such as community initiatives and alliances, social media, health literacy, understanding health behaviours, stress in the workplace and much more. Throughout the text there are activities to develop students’ understanding and encourage reflective practice. Each chapter opens with a list of the central issues and learning objectives which are reinforced with real-life case studies. The key terms highlighted are clearly explained and checklists dispersed throughout the book, enabling practical application. The new edition of Practical Health Promotion will continue to be the ideal and indispensable guide for students at all levels. It will inspire anyone involved with health care to find practical ways of promoting change.
"This book should become a key textbook of choice for a wide range of health care professionals and students.
Duffy, J. F., Zeitzer, J. M., Rimmer, D. W., Klerman, E. B., Dijk, D.J., & Czeisler, C. A. (2002). Peak of circadian melatonin rhythm occurs later within the sleep of older subjects. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and ...
Christensen, R. (2011). Improved nutritional status and bone health after diet-induced weight loss in sedentary osteoarthritis patients: A prospective cohort study. European Journal ofClinical Nutrition, 66(4), 504–509.
In addition to the focus on best practices, each chapter contains information on: Identifying health promotion programs Eliminating health disparities Defining and applying health promotion theories and models Assessing the needs of program ...
The 'Elsewhere in the World' sections link the text to health promotion programs globally. The final chapter brings together key concepts and highlights initiatives in action through a selection of eight extended international case studies.
Incorporating the latest guidelines from major organizations, including the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, this book offers clinicians a complete overview of how to help patients adopt healthy behaviors and to deliver recommended ...
Promoting Health is a seminal text that has been used in the training and education of health promoters over the last 25 years and has shaped health promotion practice in the UK. This 6th edition has undergone significant revision by a new ...
... p. 4) change in behavior but utilizes measures that compel an individual's behavior change. ... dates to the late 19th century, when the first academic programs emerged for training school health educators (Allegrante et al., 2004).
This book provides clear descriptions (with plentiful practical examples) of such methods, and the problems that can arise from their implementation.
This is the first textbook of its kind to offer students an introduction to best practices for using technology in health promotion programs.