In the decades since the end of the Second World War, it has been widely assumed that the western model of liberal democracy and free trade is the way the world should be governed. However, events in the early years of the twenty-first century – first, the 2003 war with Iraq and its chaotic aftermath and, second, the financial crash of 2008 – have threatened the general acceptance that continued progress under the benign (or sometimes not so benign) gaze of the western powers is the only way forwards. And as America turns inwards and Europe is beset by austerity politics and populist nationalism, the post-war consensus looks less and less secure. But is this really the worst of times? In a forensic examination of the world we now live in, acclaimed historian Michael Burleigh sets out to answer that question. Who could have imagined that China would champion globalization and lead the battle on climate change? Or that post-Soviet Russia might present a greater threat to the world’s stability than ISIS? And while we may be on the cusp of still more dramatic change, perhaps the risks will – in time – bring not only change but a wholly positive transformation. Incisive, robust and always insightful, The Best of Times, The Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh is both a dazzling tour d’horizon of the world as it is today and a surprisingly optimistic vision of the world as it might become.
The story is set against the conditions that led up to the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
This book delves into the mystery behind these extinctions and sheds light on the fateful role the primeval supercontinent, known as Pangea, may have played in causing these global catastrophes.
In a city where the top one percent earns more than a half-million dollars per year while 25 thousand children are homeless, public discourse about our entrenched and worsening wealth gap has never been more sorely needed.
It's the compelling story of Moton overcoming the challenges of boyhood in the ghettos of Boston and Raleigh N.C., and using those personal experiences to provide valuable perspective for young people today.
Best of Times, Worst of Times: Bomber Command, Two Men, One War
When new evidence leads to the release of a prisoner that Andrew Dalziel helped his mentor, Walter Tallantire, put behind bars years before, Dalziel must work fast to save his late friend's reputation
Complications are reviewed when appropriate for the organ system and problem. The text is illustrated throughout by line drawings and photographs that depict anatomic or technical principles.
A social history of the 1990s draws on interviews with some of the decade's most prominent players to re-create some of the best and worst episodes of the era and explores the stories and personalities behind key events of the time.
Who doesn't know Charles Dickens, one of the greatest writer. Enjoy this well designed Charles Dickens quote notebook journal. this notebook diary can be used by all ages (kids, school and college students, even adults).
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