Introduction -- International legal personality -- Determining the criteria necessary to satisfy the capacity requirement associated with international legal personality -- Establishing a legal basis for the application of international law to armed groups -- The de facto control theory and the international regulation of armed groups in the absence of directly applicable international treaty law -- The application of international human rights law to armed groups -- The gradated application of international human rights law obligations -- Prosecution, detention, and satisfaction of the right to health by armed groups -- Conclusion
International Criminal Law: Part I
This book is the first comprehensive study of the concept of race in international criminal law.
This book, from renowned legal scholar William A. Schabas, sheds light on perhaps the most important international trial that never was.
Arguing that transnational criminal law is currently geared towards suppressing criminal activity, but is not as committed to ensuring justice, Boister suggests that it might be more strongly influenced by individual moral panics and a ...
Examining the various sources of law that form this area of growing academic and practical importance, International Law and Transnational Organised Crime provides readers with a thorough understanding of the key concepts and legal ...
Droit international pénal: sources, incriminations, responsabilité
This is the second volume of a three-volume treatise on international criminal law (ICL).
... Völkerrecht ein Recht der Staaten. Rechtssubjekte waren ausschließlich Staaten. Individuen war jede völker ... Rechtsstellung des Menschen im Völkerrecht, V; Randelzhofer, The Legal Position of the Individual under Present International ...