Following on from the first volume, this unique book is the only collection of native analyses of the status of legislation in 30 European jurisdictions plus the EU. Each chapter, written by a national authority in the legislative field, presents and critically assesses: - the national constitutional environment and its connection with EU law; - the nature and types of legislation; - the legislative process; - the drafting process; - jurisprudence conventions; - the training of drafters. The book opens with a comparative chapter on the these six themes, and concludes with an analysis of trends and best practices in Europe. Legislation in Europe is a necessary addition to law and policy libraries, law-making institutions and agencies, and an invaluable tool for constitutional and drafting academics and practitioners.
In April 1997, during the Dutch presidency of the European Union, a three-day international conference was held in The Hague, The Netherlands, on the subject of The Quality of European...
The final question and answer section considers whether changes in law have affected cannabis use and how much public support for legal change exists, as it looks at the future direction of cannabis legislation in Europe.
Recoge: Part I: European Union - Part II: European Free Trade Association.
The Law on TEAM DANMARK ( 1984 ) is a good example of strategic legislative intervention within a generally non - interventionist legal environment . It is a law providing special state support for competitive sport in Denmark .
This report summarizing laws on abortion in selected European countries shows diverse approaches to the regulation of abortion in Europe.
This book inquires into the competence of the EU to legislate in the field of copyright, and uses content analysis techniques to demonstrate the existence of a normative gap in copyright lawmaking.
The book deals with the main themes in implementing international space law vis-à-vis private enterprise theme by theme, with a specific focus on Europe in view of the complicating roles of ESA and the European Union in this context.
This volume begins where the first Döring book of 1995 finished by considering what effects the rules had on legislative output during the same period.
Master's Thesis from the year 2010 in the subject Law - Media, Multimedia Law, Copyright, Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, course: Master of Law and Business (MLB)-Copyright Law, language: English, abstract: Copyright law is considered to be ...
Access to Social Europe: Guide to Community Legislation and Programmes