In the second part of this two-volume study, Ian Loveland delves deeply into the immediate historical and political context of the Trethowan litigation which began in New South Wales in 1930 and reached the Privy Council two years later. The litigation centred on the efforts of a conservatively-inclined government to prevent a future Labour administration led by the then radical politician Jack Lang abolishing the upper house of the State's legislature by entrenching the existence of the upper house through the legal device of requiring that its abolition be approved by a state-wide referendum. The book carefully examines the immediate political and legal routes of the entrenchment device fashioned by the State's Premier Sir Thomas Bavin and his former law student, colleague and then Dean of the Sydney University law school Sir John Peden, and places the doctrinal arguments advanced in subsequent litigation in the State courts, before the High Court and finally in the Privy Council in the multiple contexts of the personal and policy based disputes which pervaded both the State and national political arenas. In its final chapter, the book draws on insights provided by the detailed study of McCawley (in volume one) and Trethowan to revisit and re-evaluate the respective positions adopted by William Wade and Ivor Jennings as to the capacity of the United Kingdom's Parliament to introduce entrenching legislation which would be upheld by the courts.
Cowper and Robertson remained well short of commanding a majority in the Council, however, and faced a well-disciplined 'opposition' faction in the Council unofficially led by Deas Thomson, which persistently obstructed the government's ...
Loveland I (2021) McCawley and Trethowan—the chaos of politics and the integrity of law: volume II—Trethowan (Oxford: Hart). Lowe N (1979) 'Contempt of Court Act' Public Law 20–28. Lustgarten L (1989) The governance of police (London: ...
This book has its origins in a special issue of the journal Science & Education (Volume 18 Numbers 6–7, 2009).
Rev. ed. of : Constitutional law, 2000, edited by Ian Loveland.
Hervey, Tamara (1997) Francovich Liability Simplified Industrial Law Journal 26, 74–79. Hervey, Tamara (1998) European Social Law and Policy (Longmans, London). Hervey, Tamara and Jeff Kenner (eds) (2003) Economic and Social Rights ...
This book outlines the constitutional systems of the six Australian states and ten Commonwealth territories.
21 Sir Henry Wrenfordsley , the Second Chief Justice of Western Australia ( 1880-83 ) was , according to Bennett , without peer : “ No other Chief Justice serving in the Australian Colonies in the nineteenth century so diminished the ...
The purpose of this book is twofold.
The first edition of this text quickly established itself as the classic introduction to the Canadian constitution.
"The final written versions of the papers in this collection emerged from a conference held at City [City Law School, London, England] in the summer of 2018"