Notable landmarks in the Midwest include Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota. Learn more in The Midwest, one of the titles in the Geography of the U.S. series.
And that’s where this book comes into play. Inspired by my comedy tours across the Midwest and life growing up in Wisconsin, this book is an exploration into my favorite region on Earth.
The Midwest: God's Gift to Planet Earth!
Diverse perspectives on midwestern Native American communities
Theirs is a fine blending of the old and the new: old scholarship and new directions." —Malcolm J. Rohrbough "This is an ambitious work that... truly beongs on the 'must do' reading list of all midwestern and American historians." ...
The Midwest: Myth Or Reality?: A Symposium
"This book takes a tour of the Midwest region of the United States"--
The essays in this book help explain this process of region-making.
Black Hawk. 2008 [1833]. Life of Black Hawk, or Mà- ka- tai- me- she- kià- kiàk. Dictated by Himself. Edited by J. Gerald Kennedy. New York: Penguin Classics. Blanchette, Alex. 2019. “Living Waste and the Labor of Toxic Health on ...
The new Cleveland Union Terminal complex facing its Public Square provided the actual and visible locus for this center, linking the city to a series of suburbs, including Shaker Heights, that had grown on its immediate corporate ...
The Midwest is known as the breadbasket of America because it produces many of the cereal crops used to feed our nation.