Is it possible nowadays for two teenagers to fall in love and find everlasting happiness? When Sarah and Daniel meet, the pathway to true love shines bright and clear. But just like on the moon, there's a dark side that isn't apparent at first, a veritable mountain of obstacles that must be overcome. For starters, both Sarah and Daniel have been wounded emotionally by the loss of a parent. Sarah, precocious at fifteen, still speaks to her father on the other side, but wants her mother to remarry so that once again they can do all the dumb normal stuff real families do. Daniel, seventeen and fiercely independent, struggles to understand the loss of his mother, for which he blames his father, a U.S. Congressman. One day, Sarah's mother reveals a terrible secret from the past that threatens to destroy Sarah's hopes and dreams regarding Daniel. Sarah is compelled to take a desperate and ultimately fateful step. Then Daniel commits an unspeakable act, a crime without means of atonement that, though unintended, haunts him like a bloodthirsty demon. Only his love for Sarah, who becomes lost to him, perhaps permanently, gives Daniel relief from a feeling of cold terminal agony. As the young moonstruck couple's shared world spins out of control, so goes the moon, spiraling towards Earth ever so slowly, on a collision course after a mysterious shift in the lunar orbit. Will Sarah and Daniel discover within themselves the strength, the courage, to persevere, or are they destined to go down a star-crossed pathway, like Romeo and Juliet? Moon Shadow, narrated by characters you will never forget, full of romance, action, suspense, a sci-fi element and much more, is unlike anything you've read before. It's a true love adventure-totally.