Hey there, My name is Thiago Alencar; I'm an English Teacher from Brazil. I've been teaching English as a second language for ten years now. I decided to write this eBook because I notice that students usually experience the same problems when trying to learn English. Over the past decade, I have heard countless times students telling me things like: "English is too difficult for me; I'm never going to be a fluent speaker; I've studied for years and years at many language schools and I still don't feel confident when I speak English; It's difficult for me to think in English", etc. However, the truth is that learning English well doesn't need to be a stressful experience, not even a difficult one for that matter. In this short but comprehensive eBook, you will find valuable information that will help you become a fluent speaker of English. In this eBook, you will find information on: -Having the right mindset (What you should have in mind to learn English successfully); -Getting into the English zone (Practical tips to make English a part of your life); -How to work with videos, music and texts the RIGHT way (How you can use these tools to your benefit, thus improving your English considerably); -The power of phrasal verbs and idioms (Contains a list of 50 expressions - 25 phrasal verbs and 25 idioms -personally picked and explained by me to help you sound more like a native speaker); And more! In addition, what is special about this eBook is the fact that it was written by a non-native speaker. It is a book from a non-native speaker to another. I know exactly how frustrating learning English can be, because I have been there. I've been studying English for over 15 years now, ten of which I've been teaching. It is very good to have a native English speaker as your Tutor. However, unless your English Teacher has learned a second language him/herself and also speaks that language fluently, they will never know what learning a second language and becoming fluent at it feels like. Finally, I'd like to point out that this eBook was written to people who want to take their English learning seriously. This book was not written to people looking for 'quick fixes'. If you're ready to take your English learning seriously and are determined to be a fluent speaker, the information in this book will benefit you plenty. Here's to becoming a fluent English speaker! Sincerely, Thiago Alencar.