Essential oils are a natural way to improve general wellbeing and tackle specific health issues and have been used for thousands of years. This book will help you find the best way to use pure essential oils and aromatherapy techniques to deal with your children's common physical and emotional problems. The book explains what essential oils are and why they are a completely natural and wholesome tool in the parent's box of techniques to improve the lives of their children. It contains details of the different essential oils which can and should not be used on children and infants of different ages. You will find details of the properties of each oil and what conditions they will help. There is a handy list of all of the common oils, their healing and health giving properties and how each of them should be used. There is also information on the different ways essential oils can be used with children and detailed instructions on how to prepare them and use them for each of the common ailments. You can use this book as a "how to" guide, reading each section in turn and learning about different oils and their application to general problems, or use it as a reference which will allow you to develop your own ideal techniques and remedies catered uniquely to your child for the specific issues they have to deal with.