Getting a Good Night's Sleep: How to Fall Asleep Using Only Natural Sleep Remedies and Routines

Getting a Good Night's Sleep: How to Fall Asleep Using Only Natural Sleep Remedies and Routines
Landon Sullivan


Getting a good night's sleep naturally is something most of us can achieve with just a few easy lifestyle changes.Sometimes the change from tossing and turning all night long and sleeping soundly night after night can happen with just a simple change or two in your daily routines. Our hectic lives interfere mightily with the natural rhythm of sleep and wake cycles but we can change all of that.. If you want to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, it's really not that hard to do.I like to say that a good night's sleep begins with the moment we wake up. It's true. The daily habits we perform throughout the day affect the quality of our sleep the next night. In this book, we will take a close look at how we can better manage our daily routines and change the habits that keep us awake at night into habits that support sleeping well. We will look at the importance of getting up and going to bed at set times. We will examine the effect stress has on sleep quality. We will reveal some simple ways to manage - and minimize stress. We talk about naps and whether or not they help us sleep better at night. Well examine the bedroom and uncover how the bedroom environment can sabotage a good night's sleep. We will look at special challenges to sleep like pregnancy, shift work, and aging. In the end, I think you will be surprised at how easy it is to change from not sleeping well to sleeping well and waking up refreshed. Good sleep is so important to our health and well being. It is worth making a few simple changes in order to reap the wonderful benefits of a good night's sleep.

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