The Church and Christian in Crisis: Observations to Spark Healing and Renewal

The Church and Christian in Crisis: Observations to Spark Healing and Renewal
John Neel


Christianity is in crisis because those who proclaim to hold to the teaching of Jesus Christ are also in crisis. Living the Christian life has become to some a burden. It has fallen to last on the list of priorities. The power, purpose, and plan of God for His church and the individual believer is not being felt in our nation. Those who mock the existence of God and boastfully point to the hypocrites in the church have much to say that goes unchallenged in today's culture. The recent number of books by Christian authors telling the Christian to act like a Christian and the Church to actually make disciples and not just converts is a telling sign that the crisis is indeed real and many know it. Knowledge of the crisis alone, however, is doing nothing to start a renewal in the hearts of Christians and Churches. There is much talk about a needed revival in our country and some even predicting when one might occur and how. First, it is needed that those who profess faith find their way to being transformed into the person God intends for them to be and to take part in His great plan for the church, this nation, and those who need to receive the gift of grace and know Jesus Christ. This book does not offer the answers. This is a challenge to think and to pray. It is a call to join forces with the Holy Spirit to accomplish what for too long we might have told ourselves is no longer possible. It is still possible. God is still saving souls and making disciples. It will take submission and obedience but the way forward is to go forward with God in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus.