What do we do when life goes completelycontrary to the way we feel it should? Howdo we handle life's disappointments,heartaches and let downs?All people suffer but not all respondappropriately to their sufferings. For some,suffering turns to bitterness andunforgiveness towards God. For others itturns to despair and, sometimes, evensuicide and we are led to ask the questionhow does one handle the big (and small)setbacks, hurts and disappointments thatwe all experience.In 2012 the author entered into a seasonof suffering unlike any he had experiencedbefore and found himself faced with manyquestions for which he had no answer:Where was God? Why had He abandonedhim? What should he do? Who can help?As he journeyed through the darkest nightof his soul he discovered a way of lookingat life that not only made sense of thesuffering he was experiencing but alsohelped him to see suffering in a way hehad never seen it before as he looked at itthrough the lens of faith.In this book the author provides hope forevery hurting soul, demonstrating that nomatter how hurtful your situation hasbeen, there is good behind and in it andthough you may have felt like God wasnowhere to be found He was there withyou all of the time.
JOHN LOCKE The thought of John Locke (1632–1704) was determinative for the eighteenth century. His Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) laid down the episte- mological principles that were to shape religious thought during that ...
Filled with honest stories and practical insights, Faith Shift gives language to what many experience as their faith evolves.
Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman assess four approaches to the practice of apologetics and propose an integrative model that capitalizes on the best of all four.
Capture your favorite God moments in your very own My Faith Book!
Overholt, Thomas W., and J. Baird Callicott. Clothed in Fur and Other Tales: An Introduction to an Ojibwa World View. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. Paul, Greg. God in the Alley: Being and Seeing Jesus in a Broken ...
See Ted A. Campbell , Christian Confessions : A Historical Introduction ( Louisville , Ky .: Westminster John Knox Press , 1996 ) , 249 . 2. This is true for the Society of Friends ( Quakers ) and the Salvation Army .
This book--written in the form of questions and answers--offers a practical theological guide to understanding the necessity and interconnectedness of faith, hope, and love in the Christian's life.
This book considers the Church's past failings and fills a gap in our understanding of what it means to be a Christian in the twenty-first century.
Farley , Reynolds , and William H. Frey . 1994. " Changes in the Segregation of Whites from Blacks During the 1980s : Small Steps Toward a More Integrated Society " in American Sociological Review 59 : 23-45 .
Black Faith and Public Talk continues Cone's theme of power in the public realm and examines the economic, political, cultural, gender, and theological implications of black faith and black theology.