After receiving baptism in the Holy Spirit in l988, Ralph began to pray for patients with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Immediate healing occurred without medical intervention including raising of a certified dead man from complete liver and kidney failure to active healthy life. As news spread in the medical community, patient referrals declined when doctors objected to not having all of their patients receive an orthodox treatment. The present book, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, is an autopsy on dying if not dead churches where the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is not in evidence. It presents biblical steps for restoring the sovereignty, glory and manifested power of God known as the kingdom of heaven, a subject rarely if ever discussed from the pulpits of most churches.
Thy Kingdom Come: Living the Lord's Prayer in Everyday Life is about diving into the familiar and yet unknown world of the Lord's Prayer.
This second book in the series focuses on the call for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done.
In The Lord’s Prayer, Kevin DeYoung closely examines Christ’s model for prayer, giving readers a deeper understanding of its content and meaning, and how it works in the lives of God’s people.
Thy Kingdom Come: A Biblical Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith
In this groundbreaking new book, R. Albert Mohler Jr. recaptures the urgency and transformational nature of the prayer, revealing once again its remarkable, world-upending power.
Bible prophecies are being fulfilled daily, adding to the fact that Jesus will return soon for His Bride, the church. Since this is the case, an awareness of promised happenings begins to develop before our very eyes.
The 1928 Book of Common Prayer is a treasured resource for traditional Anglicans and others who appreciate the majesty of King James-style language.
Live It: Devotional reading and life application questions, a short prayer, and space for note-taking & journaling. About the series: Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance!
Williams recognized, compromised the functions of both, although he was primarily concerned with protecting the purity of the church from the intrusions of the state into religious affairs. In his words, Williams wanted to shield the ...
His followerswill be raised from the dead to participate in this new Kingdom of righteousness.This workbook is designed for small group study, to prepare ourselves and our students for this coming Kingdom.