This is a story written by a tween, for tweens, and primarily about four tweens--Penelope (the narrator), Nydia (Ny), Lilly, and Emily (Em)--all accompanied by Max, a pet monkey, in their adventures . . . and misadventures. When Aunt Vanessa, a famous movie actress, invites Penelope's family to New York for her upcoming wedding, they immediately make plans for the trip. However, an accident changes everything, resulting in Penelope's father, mother, and brother not being able to go. In their place, Penelope's three friends are invited. The four girls will have adventures galore, all involving, interestingly enough, Max, the monkey, who sets into motion many mischievous pranks of his own along the way. In addition, there are several mysterious episodes involving theft, bullying, misunderstandings, and romantic intrigues. Working through these experiences teaches the girls the importance of true friendship and reveals their strong character traits of loyalty, integrity, and kindness. It is a sweet story told by a ten-year-old tween living her own life in the real world, while at the same time, yearning to experience for herself what it would be like to live it in the unreal world of fiction--on paper. This is a true novella, with its beginning, middle, and end, in which the author proves that "all's well that ends well."
It's a glimpse of a side of the business the financial periodicals don't talk about -- 20-hour work days, trips across the country where associates do nothing except carry the pitch book, strip clubs at night, inflated salaries, and high ...
Rise, and Fight Again: Perilous Times Along the Road to Independence
37 Better Business Practices Learned Through Monkeys Heather A. Wandell. Thank you to Bob Duggan, president and co-founder of the Tai Sophia Institute for the Healing Arts in Laurel, MD, for being my teacher. Thank you to Dianne ...
You'll enjoy swinging with the monkeys through a canopy of great, new service ideas! Monkey Business is an enjoyable, easy read and a creative, useful tool for quality service delivery. This little book can make a difference in the world.
Describes the famous 1925 courtroom showdown of William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow over the teaching of evolution in public schools, and points out details and discrepancies that have not come to light until recently.
Many editions of the book are available , for example Popol Vuh : The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings , Dennis Tedlock , translator ( Simon and Schuster , New York , 1996 ) .
How Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk worked together in an underground effort to bring about the first criminal prosecution of a researcher for animal cruelty, and to establish People for...
Monkey Business: For Leaders at All Levels includes hilarious, gut-wrenching and inspiring, motivational stories and leadership lessons that will make people laugh, cry and think.
Captain Marvel: Monkey Business
Sadly, many managers find themselves running outof time while their employees are running out of work.