James McClenon examines the relationship between wondrous events—extrasensory perception, apparitions, out-of-body and near-death experiences, sleep paralysis, psychokinesis, firewalking, psychic surgery, and spiritual healing—and the foundations of religious belief.
In this volume we look at a few allegories and testimonies based upon the Scriptures, and take a tour of the Father's Heavenly House.
It is not just a Christmas story, with simple order based on our alphabet, but one of warmth, truth, and joy from the Scriptures. Enjoy this Christmas story, it is for all ages and all peoples of the world.
No matter how far he travelled, no matter how dire the circumstances, he always rested peacefully in the knowledge that God held him...in His hands.
In this heartfelt story, a young man grapples with the emotional weight of his comatose father during the Christmas season.
For any person of faith or anyone fascinated by unexplained phenomena, this beautifully illustrated guide will intrigue and surprise you.
Share the story of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ with your children and follow the Saintsfrom the First Vision to their arrival in the Salt LakeValley, and the many wondrous events in between.
Several books detail the circumstances of the discovery: Fenster's lyrical “Ether Day” [1], Wolfe's scholarly “Tarnished Idol” [2], and Wolfe and Patterson's defense in “The Head Behind the Hands” [3] of Jackson's role come immediately ...
Kelley Winslow is living her dream.
Science- and nature-loving readers of all ages will delight in this utterly charming guide to our amazing home.
... Wondrous Events. 453. Robinson, To Stretch a Plank. 454. Nicol, “Historical Background”; Rogo, Mind over Matter. 455 ... Wondrous Events. 512. Ibid. 513. Ehrenwald, “Parapsychology and the Healing Arts”; McClenon, Wondrous Events. 514 ...